Get Started Call: (678) 777-7103 OR Call: (678) 592-4183 Let's Get Started! Get Immediate Help with Information, Costs & Payment Options. Start Here What to Expect Set Appointment for visitWe discuss needs and level of CareContract is signed and assessment is scheduledFree Initial Assessment by Registered Nurse, Care Plan completedCaregiver is matched for compatibility and IntroducedService should begin withing 24 – 48 after caregiver approval Payment Options Private Pay Long–term Care Insurance Medicaid CCSP & SOURCE Other Sources Fill out our form and a client services team member will call you and start the process, of seeing to you or your loved one’s needs. Who Needs Care?* Select optionMyselfSpouseParentGrandparentOther RelativeFriendOther How Old is the Person Who Needs Care?* Select Option45-5455-6465-7475-8485 or older Male or Female?* Select optionMaleFemale What is their current living situation?* Select OptionLiving Alone at HomeLiving at Home with FamilyIn the Hospital Needs a SitterIn the Hospital Discharging to HomeAssisted LivingIndependent Senior LivingNursing Home Estimate How Much Care They Might Need* Select OptionA few hours per weekMore than 20 hours per week40 or more hours per weekAround-the-Clock CareLive-In Care How will care be paid for?* Select OptionPrivate FundsLong-Term Care InsurancePrivate InsuranceVeterans BenefitsOther What Type of Care is Needed? (Check all that apply)* Bathing/Showering and grooming assistanceToileting and incontinence careMedication remindersLight meal preparationErrands/Shopping/PharmacyLight housekeepingLight laundryCompanionshipEscort on appointments (doctor’s office, hair salon, etc)Safety SupervisionHospice CareRespite CareAlzheimer’s and dementia careOther First Name* Last Name* Phone* Zipcode* Email* I understand that by entering my information, I will be receiving a call and emails from a staff member of Oasis Private Home Care* I agree to the privacy policy. (Bottom of Page)